Life Is Just For Living

(3 customer reviews)


Coping with loss, grief and death you can and WILL release painful memories associated with the loss in as little as 90 days.

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Does your loss make you feel like Sisyphus? Life is bright one day and you think, “This is it! I’m over it, I’m done”, Only to feel the darkness and loneliness come crashing down on you the next? With Life is just for living: Coping with loss, grief and death you can and WILL release painful memories associated with the loss in as little as 90 days even if have been carrying around this pain and grief for so long and doesn't seem like it can ever move.

3 reviews for Life Is Just For Living

  1. Roxanne fuller

    I like it

    • Sandra Hamilton

      Thanks Roxanne. I hope you join us 🙂

  2. Claudine

    I loved this course. Thank you. It helped me move through my anger and frustration. I have somewhat come to terms with the death of my loved one. today, sitting here, I am content.

  3. Sharlene

    Hi Dr. H, I appreciate you putting effort into creating content that will help us with getting through hard times. I was checking out your site just now, I found you on LinkedIn. I look forward to connecting in the future as I truly think you will help me with gaining clarity on some of my issues and remember that “Life is just for Living.”

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